Join us for the 5th annual Trainers Conference and Tradeshow, back in the vibrant heart of San Antonio! This year’s theme is Upgrade Your Training Toolbox, and it’s all about equipping yourself with the latest strategies, tools, and techniques to enhance your training effectiveness. Whether you're a seasoned trainer or just starting out, there’s no such thing as too much improvement and innovation.

Exciting new sessions include:
Leading the Charge
Your Electric Reality
From Safety to Strategy
Print Reading & Troubleshooting
From Transition to Transformation
The 10 Deadly Myths of Protective Grounding
Sustainable Training through Employee Engagement
and much more!

As always, you’re invited to explore the cutting-edge products and services showcased by our onsite exhibitors. They will be available to provide insights and solutions that can revolutionize your training approach.

Dive into discussions, discover new tools, and connect with fellow professionals as we navigate the exciting advancements in training and development in the powerline industry. If you can't make it in person, you can join the sessions via live stream to stay updated with the latest trends and innovations.

Make the most of this opportunity to upgrade your training toolbox and leave with enhanced skills and fresh perspectives! Register now to secure your spot in what is sure to be a sold out conference!

  • I've attended previously. Best conference specifically for trainers.

    Adam Mitchell, Trouble Operations Trainer, EPCOR

  • I greatly enjoyed the conference, I got to fellowship with some of the most respected names in the industry. It was a dream come true!

    Jeremy (Lane) Price, Trainer, B&B Electrical and Utility Contractors

  • Thankful for the opportunity to attend and meet so many great industry leaders.

    Mike Starner, Executive Director, Outside Line Safety, NECA

  • We really appreciate the opportunity and took a lot away from the conference that we will utilize to develop our training plans and curriculum going forward.

    Jeff Razka, Manager EHS, S&C Electric

  • I enjoyed the entire event! Great venue, great information and great networking!

    Will Duniven, VP of Operations, Big Country Electric Cooperative, Inc.

  • I enjoyed the smaller setting, and being able to connect with a handful of people that are in a similar role to mine.

    Ryan Pantti, Distribution Technical Supervisor, UPPCO

  • Fantastic Event. Loved everything about it!

    Paddy Murphy, General Manager, Hi Vis Traffic Control

  • Great group of people, excited to see what next year holds.

    Jeff Vaughn, Corporate Safety Advisor, Utility Lines Construction Services, LLC (ULCS), Asplundh Infrastructure Group


We’ve got an exciting lineup of speakers in store for our conference attendees, including many speakers new to our conference!


Ready to plan what sessions you’d like to attend? Review the agenda to see the topics our esteemed speakers will be discussing.


Find out more about the venue where this year’s Trainers Conference will be held, and see what else there is to do in the area.

Interested in exhibiting at the conference? Check out our registration options for exhibitors.

Registration and Costs

Early-Bird Rate

Standard Rate

*If you can't attend in person, virtual participation is available.

Early Bird Rate Ends

December 15, 2024

 Contact us

Ryan Schenk
VP of Marketing

Cell: (985) 290-3554

Drury Plaza Hotel San Antonio Riverwalk

105 S. St. Mary's Street
San Antonio, TX 78205

Phone: (210) 270-7799