Control Your MESSAGE
Some lineworker training solutions require companies to send their apprentices to a distant college campus. With T&D PowerSkills, you both create and administer the program to meet your goals to your specifications on your property. Whether deployed as an instructor-led or self-paced program, you control your training message.
Control Your DELIVERY
We provide the training material, you tell us how you want to deploy it. The T&D PowerSkills material is flexible and can be adapted to any curriculum. From single-unit refresher training to a community college curriculum to a fully DOL-certified journey lineworker program, the T&D PowerSkills material is training on your terms.
Control Your COST
Only have a few line crews? No problem. Our online Learning Management System is available in both a metered, pay-as-you-go model as well as an unlimited access model. If you’ve got your own LMS, our courses are available in SCORM 1.2 format compatible with most LMSs on the market. Training material is also available as a traditional DVD classroom product.
A Comprehensive Program
78 units, spanning the entire range of electric utility lineworker training, from entry-level apprentice to journey worker level. Each course unit consists of a high quality video, a comprehensive student workbook, and an instructor’s guide for each unit.
Each unit highlights specific OSHA Regulations SnapShots pertaining to the topic discussed and where to find them in the legal record.
Each unit has an FPR (Field Performance Requirements) checklist, important in documenting field skill proficiency.
Currently, this material is being used to support several Department of Labor Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training Certified Programs. See how to certify your program.
Also available are Specialty Packages for Electrical Cable Installers, Electrical Meter Installers, High Voltage Substation Workers, and more. Or, you can create your own package to meet your organization's needs!
Learning Management System
When it comes to effectively managing your training program, utilizing our online Learning Management System can be an invaluable tool to delivering training and visualizing where students are in the learning process. Find our more about our Learning Management System.