High Voltage Terminations
High-voltage cables are manufactured to exact specifications so that they can withstand a variety of mechanical and electrical stresses. When a high-voltage cable is terminated for a connection to a circuit or equipment in a substation or switchyard, the termination must also be made to exact specifications. If this is not done, the termination could become a weak point in the circuit.
This program describes the components of high voltage terminations and demonstrates how high voltage terminations are made.
Cable Construction
Describe how voltage stress can cause a cable to fail.
Identify the main components of a high-voltage cable.
Describe the function of each component of a high-voltage cable.
Principles of Cable Termination
Explain how a high voltage termination provides voltage stress control
Explain how a high voltage termination provides protection against tracking.
Explain how a high voltage termination provides a seal to the environment
15-kV Class PILC Cable Preparation
Identify the components of a PILC cable.
Describe or demonstrate how to prepare a three-conductor PILC cable for termination.
15-kV Class PILC Cable Termination
Describe or demonstrate how to build a stress cone on a three-conductor PILC cable.
Describe or demonstrate how to attach connector stems.
Describe or demonstrate how to install and assemble a pothead onto a cable.
Describe or demonstrate how to seal a three-conductor PILC cable termination.
69-kV Solid Dielectric Cable Preparation
Identify the components of a high-voltage solid dielectric cable.
Describe or demonstrate how to prepare a single-conductor dielectric cable for a termination.
69-kV Solid Dielectric Cable Termination
Describe or demonstrate how to apply the tapes used to make a termination on a single-conductor 69-kV solid dielectric cable.
Describe or demonstrate how to install the insulator hoods and connector for a taped termination on a single-conductor 69-kV solid dielectric cable.