Distribution Line Installation and Removal
When changes are made in the area around a distribution line, for example, when a road is widened or a new road is added, it may be necessary to relocate or replace a portion of the line. This program covers job planning, safety precautions, and job site preparation as they relate to installing a new distribution line and removing the existing line.

Distribution Line Replacement
This course describes how to replace conductors in an existing overhead line with new conductors. The situation described is one that often occurs when it is necessary to increase the size of the conductors in a line. This course describes how to reconfigure pole framing in order to make room for the new conductors to be pulled in. It also shows how and where to set up equipment such as pilot lines, pulling rigs, and tensioners. This course also describes how to safely pull, sag, dead-end, and tie in the new conductors. Finally, you’ll see one way to energize the new conductors, transfer loads from the old line to the new line, and then safely remove the old conductors.

Distribution Line Repair - Gloves
To prevent interruption of service to as many customers as possible, distribution line repairs are often made while lines and equipment remain energized. Whenever work is done on energized equipment, the lineworkers doing the work must be insulated and isolated from all energized equipment and grounds. This training program discusses the basic principles involved in working on energized lines using insulated gloves. Work methods, communication, concentration, and safety are emphasized throughout the program.

Distribution Line Repair - Hot Sticks
This program describes several types of hot-line tools that are used to work on energized lines, including hot sticks, hot stick attachments, and accessory tools. The program describes the safety-related work practices associated with storing and inspecting hot sticks, and planning for hot stick jobs. In addition, the program demonstrates basic procedures for using hot-line tools and accessories to remove and install tie wires. This program also demonstrates how to use hot sticks to move single-phase lines and to change out a dead-end insulator.

Transformer Troubleshooting
This course describes basic procedures for troubleshooting various types of transformers and transformer banks. The course begins by examining different types of transformers, transformer connections, and overcurrent and overvoltage devices that are typically used to protect transformers. The program identifies some typical causes of transformer outages and describes some general considerations involved in responding to a trouble call. The dangers associated with and the potential sources of backfeed are also covered. This course demonstrates procedures for isolating and testing single-phase transformers and three-phase transformer banks. The course also describes how to temporarily restore service in single-phase and three-phase applications.

Troubleshooting Overhead Lines
This course describes methods of safely locating problems on overhead lines that result in loss of power to customers. These methods are called troubleshooting. This begins by describing the logical steps for troubleshooting, one method of troubleshooting called patrolling, common problems to look for, and safety precautions to observe when troubleshooting overhead lines. This program also describes how to locate problems on a primary line using various sectionalizing approaches. It also describes how to locate trouble on secondary lines using various testing approaches.

34.5 kV Rubber Glove Work
Many companies are finding it necessary to use 34.5 kV distribution lines to keep up with customer demand for dependable, high-quality electric power. Lineworkers who work on these lines must be aware of the electrical hazards associated with this work. They must also be familiar with the safety equipment and procedures that enable them to perform their work safely and efficiently.

Overhead Troubleshooting 1
Overhead systems are exposed to many hazards that can lead to a partial or total loss of power. When a problem occurs, troubleshooters are responsible for finding out what is wrong and determining how the problem can be corrected as quickly as possible. In order to locate and identify problems effectively, troubleshooters must be familiar with some basic steps of troubleshooting and know how to apply those steps to various situations. This course identifies some basic steps that can be used to troubleshoot any type of overhead system problem and describes how those steps can be applied in several different troubleshooting situations.

Overhead Troubleshooting 2 - Emergency Conditions
When damage from storms and disasters is extensive, a much larger than normal troubleshooting effort is usually required to get customers back on line as quickly as possible. To support this effort, companies often have special emergency plans in place to make sure that their employees can deal with the problems and conditions that are likely to be encountered. This course examines some of the conditions that tend to make troubleshooting overhead lines under emergency conditions different from normal troubleshooting.

Underground Residential Distribution Systems
This course identifies and describes three common types of underground residential distribution (URD) systems: radial feed, loop feed, and double feed systems. URD components, cables, and terminations are also introduced and discussed. This course also describes how URD cable and equipment are installed. It describes checks performed during typical URD system maintenance inspections and how the flexibility of URD systems allows various portions of a loop feed URD system to be installed without interrupting service to customers.

Safety in Underground Line Maintenance
This course identifies and describes three common types of underground residential distribution (URD) systems: radial feed, loop feed, and double feed systems. URD components, cables, and terminations are also introduced and discussed. This course also describes how URD cable and equipment are installed. It describes checks performed during typical URD system maintenance inspections and how the flexibility of URD systems allows various portions of a loop feed URD system to be installed without interrupting service to customers.

Underground Cable Installation
This program describes two methods of installing underground cable: direct-burying and pulling cable in conduit. The program demonstrates how to lay cable in an open trench and pull cable in conduit. This course also demonstrates how to use various types of equipment and tools for rigging manholes and for pulling cable in conduit.

Pad-Mounted Transformers and Switchgear
This course discusses the basics of underground transformer operations. It presents problems that arise when operating transformers and discusses troubleshooting techniques and inspection procedures. This course also describes the general characteristics of two basic types of pad-mounted switchgear: oil-immersed disconnect switches and transclosures. This course also describes how pad-mounted switchgear can be used to sectionalize and reroute power in an underground feeder system.

Cable Splicing 1
Cable splicing is the process of joining two cable ends together while maintaining the cable’s original design characteristics. This course focuses on cable design, voltage stress and preparation of cables for splicing using a splice kit.

Cable Splicing 2
This course describes splicing three phase primary cables and secondary cables. It also includes splicing in a length of cable and how to install a secondary splice.

Cable Terminations
Electrical cables are routinely connected to many different types of equipment. When a connection to equipment is made, the cable must be terminated, or ended, at the connection point. This course discusses pothead, single phase elbow, three-phase elbow and switchgear terminations, how they are installed, and how they help cables function properly. Problems associated with voltage stress are also discussed. This course also explains how to energize three-phase terminations in switchgear and transformers.

Locating Primary Faults
This course is a general introduction to fault location in primary URD cable. The course covers capacitor discharge equipment, how it is used to locate faults, and a demonstration of how to locate a cable fault.

Locating Secondary Faults
This course explains how voltage gradient equipment works and demonstrates how to use voltage gradient equipment to locate faults in secondary URD cable.

URD Troubleshooting
This course describes methods that can be used to troubleshoot two types of problems that may affect URD systems: transformer faults and cable faults.

Power Transformers 1
This course describes how power transformers work and introduces some of the more common types of power transformers found in substations and switchyards. This course also demonstrates how to recognize and identify specific classes of power transformers by their cooling systems and discusses how cooling systems work.